2. Ordering your tiles at the very last minute would really inconvience both you and the company that you are purchasing
from , it puts the company under stress and rush meaning that you may not receive the best quality that the company provides. We recommend placing the order 6-8 weeks before they are planned to be used , this amount of time gives us and other companies enough time to ensure that the products are the best quality possible and that they meet all the requirements and expectations that you as a customer may have put in place.
3. We would highly recommend consulting with one of our specialists before making a purchase , our team has over 13 years of experience in tiles and they will go above and beyond to ensure that you have the perfect tile for your project and all the other adhesives you may need , we at Archi-tile can also offer you advice and guidance to ensure that you are fully informed about the products.
4. Using indoor tiles outside could lead to the product getting damaged since it would not be in the correct conditions that are recommended when consulting with our specialists. If an indoor tile is used outdoors it would wear down and not provide the finish that you may have expected which will also be disappointing to you since you have invested in a renovation and it did not go to plan.
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